Monday, October 24, 2011

Jordan's trip to the Zoo

We finally headed to the Austin Zoo for the first time last weekend! I bought a Groupon months ago and, true to form, we waited until the day before it expired to use it. But, hey, we got there! Jordan loved the monkeys, howling at the wolves (which she learned from Cat in the Hat) and of course feeding the deer and goats. She mostly just threw the feed in the animals faces but I don't think they minded too much.

Jordan was in awe over the tigers! I don't think she's seen such large animals up close before.
"Here kitty, kitty..."
"Ow, Owwww! Ah, do it."
Jordan couldn't get enough of the monkey's.

Hitching a ride on Daddy to see the reptiles
Feeding some more goats

That is one big turtle!!!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Jordan's first time at an amusement park (August)

We took Jordan to the boardwalk to try out the kiddie rides for the first time. She couldn't believe how awesome all the rides were and was running from one to another! The only ride she didn't like was the mini farris wheel (funny video to follow). She had such a great time that we literally had to carry her out kicking and screaming when it was time to go. Not a great end to the day but great overall!

Jordan helping to push Nana!
"What exactly is going on here?"
"This is AWESOME!!! FASTER!!!"
She was especially excited to ring the bell on the fire truck.
"How does this gun work anyway?"
LOVED the merry go round with Daddy!

Erin's Baby Shower (August)

I don't have as many pictures as I would like of my Sister-in-Law since I was handing her the presents! But we are so excited to meet our future nephew or niece in a couple of months! Now they just have to figure out where to put all that baby stuff!!!

Ready to rip into some presents... with a little helper!
Lots of cute turtle presents!

Yummy cake!
Jordan handing Aunt Erin her balloons... and scaring the dog with them too!

Playground fun with Papa (August)

We actually spent more time at the playground during our trip in DE than we did at the beach. I guess weather in the 80's felt cold to us Texas folk! But Jordan just loved dragging Papa around by the finger and making him entertain her. She's going to be a bossy one!!!

Jordan giving "Papa" a workout at the playground
"Don't drop me Papa!!"
Up and down.... and up and down
She really just never gets tired of this
"Come down the slide Papa!"